10. CallbackJavaScript & TypeScript 2020. 11. 15. 14:28
- JavaScript is synchronous
- Execute the code block in order after hoisting
- hoisting : var, function declaration
console.log('1'); setTimeout(() => console.log('2'), 1000); console.log('3'); // 1, 3, 2
Synchronous callback
function printImmediately(print) { print(); } printImmediately(() => console.log('hello'));
Asynchronous callback
function printWithDelay(print, timeout) { setTimeout(print, timeout); } printWithDelay(() => console.log('async callback'), 2000);
Callback Hell example
class UserStorage { loginUser(id, password, onSuccess, onError) { setTimeout(() => { if ( (id === 'ellie' && password === 'dream') || (id === 'coder' && password === 'academy') ) { onSuccess(id); } else { onError(new Error('not found')); } }, 2000); } getRoles(user, onSuccess, onError) { setTimeout(() => { if (user === 'ellie') { onSuccess({ name: 'ellie', role: 'admin' }); } else { onError(new Error('no access')); } }, 1000); } } const userStorage = new UserStorage(); const id = prompt('enter your id'); const password = prompt('enter your password'); userStroage.loginUser( id, password, user => { userStorage.getRoles( user, userWithRole => { alert(`Hello ${userWithRole.name}, you have a ${userWithRole.role} role`); }, error => {console.log(error)}); }, error => {console.log(error)});
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