4. Arrow FunctionJavaScript & TypeScript 2020. 11. 13. 18:04
- fundamental building block in the program
- subprogram can be used multiple times
- performs a task or calculates a value
1. Function declaration
- function name(param1, param2) { body ... return; }
- one function === one thing
- naming: doSomething, command, verb
- e.g.createCardAndPoint ->. createCard, createPoint
- function is object in JS
function printHello() { console.log('Hello'); } printHello(); // Hello function log(message) { console.log(message); } log('Hello@'); // Hello@ log(1234); // 1234
2. Parameters
- primitive parameters : passed by value
- object parameters : passed by reference
function changeName(obj) { obj.name = 'coder'; } const ellie = { name: 'ellie' }; changeName(ellie); console.log(ellie); // coder
3. Default parameters (added in ES6)
function showMessage(message, from = 'unknown') { console.log(`${message} by ${from}`); } showMessage('Hi !'); // Hi! by unknown
4. Rest Parameters (added in ES6)
function printAll(...args) { for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // 1 console.log(args[i]) } for (const arg of args) { // 2 console.log(arg); } args.forEach((arg) => console.log(arg)); // 3 } printAll('dream', 'coding', 'ellie'); // deram, coding, ellie
5. Local scope
let globalMessage = 'global'; // global variable function printMessage() { let message = 'hello'; console.log(message); // local variable console.log(globalMessage); function printAnother() { console.log(message); let childMessage = 'hello'; } console.log(childMessage); // error } printMessage(); // hello, global // 안에서는 밖을 볼 수 있지만, 안에서는 밖을 볼 수 없다.
6. Return a value
function sum(a, b) { return a + b; } const result = sum(1, 2); //3 console.log(`sum: ${sum(1, 2)}`); // sum : 3
7. Early return, early exit
// bad function upgradeUser(user) { if (user.point > 10) { // long upgrade logic... } } // good function upgradeUser(user) { if (user.point <= 10) { return; } // long upgrade logic... }
First-class function
- functions are treated like any other variable
- can be assigned as a value to variable
- can be passed as an argument to other functions
- can be returned by another function
1. Function expression
- a function declaration can be called earlier than its is defined (hoisted)
- a function expression is created when the execution reaches it
const print = function () { // anonymous function console.log('print'); } print(); const printAgain = print; printAgain(); const sumAgain = sum; console.log(sumAgain(1, 3));
2. Callback function using function expression
function randomQuiz(answer, printYes, printNo) { if (answer === 'love you') { printYes(); } else { printNo(); } } // anonymous function const printYes = function () { console.log('yes!'); }; // named function // better debugging in debuggers's stack traces // recursion const printNo = function print() { console.log('no!'); }; randomQuiz('wrong', printYes, printNo); // no! randomQuiz('love you', printYes, printNo); // yes! // Arrow function // always anonymous const simplePrint = function () { console.log('simplePrint!'); }; const simplePrint = () => console.log('simplePrint'); const add = (a, b) => a + b; const simpleMultiply = (a, b) => { // do something more return a * b; }; // IIFE: Immediately Invoked Function Expresion (function hello() { console.log('IIFE'); })();
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